Wednesday, September 08, 2004


Latest CD... Posted by Hello
So I get a few records from PBE, a distributor of musical weirdness that fits my groove pattern. On his newsletters that are chock full of stuff I have never heard of, he links to sites to give you a taste. Email PBE, and ask to be added to his list, but be aware it is a retail distribution, not a "free music" list! One such site was K7, where I signed up for their newsletter.
They announced this CD, and provided some mp3 links. Bought the record direct from the label, 10bucks.
Nonesuch has a similar marketing approach, so sign up, keep informed.
This record? Crazy synthesis of musical styles with humor that goes beyond the title. Grooves aplenty, though more hectic than than the G Stone Records sound that I currently find irresistable...

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