Sunday, May 22, 2005

movies@work(tm) Raising Helen

Disadvantage(s) of working(2) at a video store:
1. Watching movies one would not pick out
2. Forgetting the movie one just watched because you are working
3. Judging a movie poorly because one is distracted by work
So this is the first in the series of "minute reviews" to fix problem 2 above.
Remember please, these review(s) are done through filter 3. First review is a movie that hits problem 1 on the head: "Raising Helen".
"Raising Helen" stars Kate Hudson, John Corbett, Joan Cusack, and Helen Mirren. Paris Hilton has a bit part. Devo and Liz Phair are on the soundtrack. This romantic comedy lost me when the lead brought 3 underage children into a fashion show. Hollywood once again reminds us work and family don't mix and jobs have to sacrificed on the parental altar.. Jobs and anything resembling life, apparently.
Read the back of the box. You can then close your eyes and see the whole movie.
Yes, Kate Hudson is charming. I'm glad Lutherans can date. I can only tell you that Hollywood/morals/family philosophy is neither romantic nor funny.

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